Monday, February 14, 2011

Laurie Berkner Band

My AGW once told a friend when she gave them a Laurie Berkner Band CD for her kids, "Laurie Berkner is like crack for kids." I agree with that statement 100%. Both of our kids love the Laurie Berkner Band (LBB), so took them to a LBB concert recently. Let me just say that I thought the Girl was going to spontaneously combust out of excitement. She barely sat down during the whole thing, sang along, danced, etc. It was a fantastic show for the kids and I would say it was even fantastic for the adults. Was a very fast hour and a half. At one point my AGW and I noticed that poopy diaper smell and we both thought it was our little girl but we both realized that there are a ton of diapered kids in the theater so maybe not. The Boy even liked it and claims he liked it more than his sister, we will let the pictures be the judge of that:

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