Monday, May 16, 2011

When Your Kid Learns Your Email Address

The Boy uses a computer.  Mostly it used for Thomas & Friends, PBS Kids, Nick Jr., etc.  Although he is venturing more and more, just kids stuff but is starting to learn email.

He has emailed me challenges from Disney games and sites.  I have yet to get back to him on some but he is fascinated by email.  I am setting a simple way for him to send email to his grandparents and my AGW.  In the meantime he has ventured into the world of Legos online. So now I won't just be stepping on real life legos I am sure I will be finding virtual ones all over the computer.

Since he is learning my email address he is sending me wish lists of lego things he wants.  The issue arises that he thinks when he sends me this wish list it is ordered and on its way.  MY AGW explained to him that is not how it worked, but if it did I would be busy sending myself wish lists and waiting on the doorstep for them to arrive.

My guess it is time to find the right child protections for the web so he does not venture where he should not.  For instance I am waiting for him to learn how to search and search for "balls".  I am not sure what he will get and I don't think I want to know.

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