Sunday, December 2, 2012

The past crazy month, into the next crazy month

The past month has been crazy as I am sure many people have experienced.  With the Thanksgiving holiday, Black Friday, School, swimming lessons, school athletics program, and many other little items going on it seems like it has been a whirlwind. 

The next month heading into Christmas however short it is due to the break from school, it will be even more crazy.  There are many things going at school, after school, during school, etc.  Although this also is a fun time of year with all the things going on and being the Holidays.  At least I have a 3.5 pound bag of M&Ms in my drawer at school to get me through.  

The kids are excited as being a kid this time of year is fun, even with school involved.  Granted they both like school so it isn't issue but between two christmas programs, various field trips, and hopefully some snow it should be good times.  

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