Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Crazy Holidays Part II
A nice thing is that he wants to go back to school and to me that is great because it could be the other way, like when I started Kindergarten, hanging on a leg screaming that he doesn't want to go. Apparently I turned out OK but I wish I would have known that then I could have saved that screaming for something of importance like more games for my Wii.
The Boy now has a new phrase while he plays, "Bam-O!" and sometimes you here a variation when he gets a little upset of "Bam it!"
The Girl did soemthing for a first time between the posts today, she sat up all by herself. As the Boy would say, "Awesome!" It caught me by surprise as she is really trying to crawl and does the army crawl now, she propped up like she was gonna crawl on her hands and knees, then she pulled the knees in closer and got her bottom down and rolled up to a sitting position. She looked as surprised as me.
Crazy Holidays
The Boy enjoyed his Christmas as he received many nice gifts. He bounces from one thing to the other still as the newness of them all has yet to ware off. We even got him a game for the Wii, Cars, but he really mostly likes to watch me play it which who could complain about that. Which brings me to photo number two, the double decker DDR showdown:
Monday, December 15, 2008
Boy: Dad, Look at the mar-balls.
Dad: I see them, they are called marbles.
Boy: Yeah MAR-BALLS.
Dad: It is not mar-balls, it is marbles.
Boy: They are Mar-BALLS.
Mom: Marbles not mar-balls.
Boy: Well they are Balls.
Dad: Yes they are, but it is pronounced marbles.
Dad: (Slyly turned the page and went on with something else)
I don't think the Boy got the subtle difference in pronunciation, but to his credit they certainly are balls.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
I am going to take away your food!
On another note he has started this new hand motion when he talks, as if he is trying to sell me something. It is like a soft karate chop (very hard to describe). The other day he was talking about something being "unbreakable" and he used this motion with both hands (kind of like Tony Little on the Infomercials) . We were cracking up, so those of you who see the Boy you need to watch for this as he does this is all seriousness when he is talking.
Finally, he has started watching the Food Network with me when he gets up from his nap. For those that know me know I love to cook. When he has what I think is great idea is to have a kitchen studio in the living room like on TV to cook and do a cooking show in. Those studios are awesome and they always have everything you need. Although his big concern is what we are making... cookies, brownies, etc. I asked him what is in the kitchen and he said with "Ingredients! Some flour, eggs and chocolate and you mix it up to make brownies!" All this while using his new hand motion. I sure hope Santa reads this before Christmas, a new kitchen would be nice.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
...Continued on The Girl
Friday, December 5, 2008
The Girl
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
To call or not to call Santa
He is very excited about Christmas, but he may be even more excited about Christmas Eve as he is awaiting the arrival of the Polar Express. I will be on watch all night as I fear he will get up in the middle of the night and head outside. I know kids have great imaginations but he seems all to prepared for this adventure. If I had the money needed I would rent a trolley car, dress up as the conductor and take him to someplace where he could see Santa in the middle of the night, surely this would blow his mind but it would also cause for a very grumpy and tired Christmas day. Now we only have to get through the next 21-22 days and of course he will want Christmas to happen again on the 26th.
Friday, November 21, 2008
The Great Move
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
I Hate Poop
(just a bit of venting, there is a much better post below).
The Polar Express
Although I think I am going to be on watch 24 hours on Christmas Eve, especially 5 minutes before midnight. The boy was telling us that on Christmas Eve he was going to go downstairs in his PJ's and outside to ride the Polar Express all by himself. I thought it was funny, but I also reminded him to make sure he tells us he is going on the Polar Express before he leaves.
We also bought the 3D version they are now selling, he has yet to see that as we don't know how he would handle the glasses but in the least we will have to watch at least the regular one on the bigger TV in the basement in the movie theater darkness with the surround sound at least once this year.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Boys are Tough, Girls are Fragile
The Boy: Girls are fragile.
Me: Are boys fragile?
The Boy: No, boys aren't fragile. Boys are tough.
Me: So you are a tough boy?
The Boy: Boys are tough because they don't cry about boo-boos.
The rest was me laughing about the tough boys and their boo-boos.
Monday, October 27, 2008
He made his first trip to Chucky Cheese. It was a birthday party for one of his classmates and will therefore be known as another birthday place. He did get to meet Chucky and that was pretty cool, although he was a bit overwhelmed with all the stuff there. And on another note what kid doesn't like pizza and didn't want any cake, that is how I knew he was overwhelmed. We both had a good time though.
The Girl is growing up, she rolls all over the place is trying hard to figure out crawling and is constantly spitting out here rice cereal and oatmeal. She still smiles all the time which is nice especially on those tough days. She is very excited about the holidays and all the excitement it brings.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Pumpkin Farm

Monday, October 13, 2008
Parents Night Out
Happy Birthday

Now it is all about being good for Santa until Christmas as Daddy has Santa on speed dial.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Thursday, October 2, 2008
It's a Cacophony
Today my son took a long nap, about 3 hours (yay for me). I was listening to him on the monitor when I hear the noise, from the neighbors behind me, dogs barking. This is a sound that we have been consistently hearing starting anywhere from 5:30 am to 8:00 am when they leave them out when they go to work. Granted it is pitch black and the slightest things or even the darkness set them off. Back to the story, I start to hear the Boy russle around in the sheets when he suddenly says, "It's a cacophony! Dogs stop barking, I am trying to sleep!" followed by a sigh. Being somewhat annoyed by the dogs I could help but laugh.
At some point I challenge each of you to use this word that TV (yes I said TV) taught the Boy (and me for that matter) and he uses it appropriately while he is not quite yet four years old. I guess not all TV is bad TV.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Today was a tough one
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Forgetting Sometimes He is only 3
Apparently the boy is tasty as well, and I am sure it has nothing to do with the chocolate chip pancakes he is eating:
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Spoke to soon
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
A Change in Attitude
I am still not allowed to walk him into school, I wanted to ask his teacher a question the other day and he just wanted me out of there. I guess it is his world and Daddy is not allowed. He loves school which is good, he wishes he could stay all week and so do I sometimes, well except for the nice boy I have around this week.
My little daughter is doing quite well and seems to be doing a lot more these days. She loves to do raspberries, stick out her tongue, and lay on her belly and play or look around to see what is going on. The only thing I need is for my son to dance around and she will giggle herself silly as she loves her brother and if he is dancing around it is non-stop baby laughing.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
The New Dinner Game & Other Updates
My daughter is doing well, she is growing, eating, sleeping and pooping, so I guess everything in babyland is going well. She is starting to sit up on her own a bit and she is becoming more vocal as the days go on. Just the other day I swear she said, "New shoes, new handbag!" She has also started the rice cereal, which my son thinks is neat although he thinks she is eating "Life" cereal. She definitely loves her brother when he is around and doing stuff she just smiles and laughs to no end.
Last night my son went with his mommy and me to a football game, he was very excited and had a great time although I don't think he really understood a lot of what was going on, but he did know that our team lost.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
What my son learns at preschool
Son: "Lets play dice!"
Daddy: "Dice?!"
Son: "Yeah, dice. We have to get some coins."
Well needless to say I was curious. There were no dice in the version he should me so that is why I think he didn't tell me the whole truth. SO I'll be watching the little man to see what kind of watches he wears, the clothes he picks out or any of the latest Thomas the Trains with bling.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
The Things the Boy Says
One of my favorite things is that sometimes he talks like the great Jedi Master Yoda. He re-arranges his sentences, for example "Brown, My favorite color is." He has since outgrown this trait, although sometimes it still happens. Wait until he starts watching Star Wars, maybe then he will start levitating and moving things with his mind.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Eating and eating
Monday, August 25, 2008
The First Day
Sunday, August 24, 2008
School Time
Our little girl is growing up very fast she rolls over to her stomach and back to her back now, she loves to play with her phone (baby rattle) that was given to her, and she is showing some real girl traits as in having a hard time deciding what she wants. For example, you hold her and she is not happy, you set her down and she isn't happy, you see if she is hungry and she isn't, you check her diaper, you try her swing, and it keeps going sometimes. I think she is trying to exert her power over us boys but we will not have it, we will just make her start playing with trucks and trains and she will have to turn to the right side of the world. She will have her 4 month appointment soon so I will update her information then as I try to find my sons to see how the children compare.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
A few pictures
Thisis where the children try to take over:
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
True Love
Friday, August 1, 2008
The Vote Game
On a side note the poll is about half over and I see I have a wide readership of 8 people, almost double digits which I think is pretty impressive. I would like to thank my wife for saying that I will not end up in the looney bin but am a bit surprised at the rest of you anonymous voters that say I already belong.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Some news...
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
The next step in potty training
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Monday, July 21, 2008
Aww Nuts! & "Turn off the TV Dad!"
When it is bedtime my wife takes my son up to bed while I stay down with our daughter. When they are upstairs I usually turn the TV on and turn the volume off initially so he doesn't hear it. Well the other day when I turned it on, he simply heard the click of the TV over everything else. Suddenly I hear from upstairs, "Turn off the TV Dad!" I was stunned. So after some quick thinking, I say "OK," and then quietly followed up with a "click". Then I hear a very nice "Thank You!" So every now and then I have to pretend to turn it off.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Ants in my pants
Friday, July 18, 2008
The agony of leaving
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Meal Time Turnaround
On the other hand, when it comes to wanting something he usually asks right when I need to help my daughter as she is fussaling or needs a change or needs to eat. I guess I will have to deal with that until the two of them move out.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Thursday, July 10, 2008
The kids work in tandem
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Boo-boos at Busia's
Monday, July 7, 2008
A Big Update
Saturday, June 21, 2008
"I only had ONE!"
Being the good parents we are, we don't give our children much candy, we limit it and use it as reward or for a special treat (which also means more for us). When we buy or get stuff we generally used to put it on the stove either behind something or cover it with a towel, I mean who could figure that out. Well my son who is 3 1/2 years old is certainly getting smarter, he knows where we hide it. We had some Resse's Whips (which are awesome). He saw them one day and asked for one, so I gave him one and he really liked that. A day later he was in the kitchen and asked my wife where the candy was, she responded that we all had some and now it is gone. My smart son replied, " I only had ONE."
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
"I'm sorry I Ruggled."
BLAH!! He ruggled twice in the kitchen. (Ruggle=vomit) After getting him cleaned up and as my wife was cleaning up the floor he came in and said "I'm sorry I ruggled."
Sunday, June 8, 2008
He's fussaling

Saturday, May 24, 2008
Couple of quick stories...
When getting ready for bath or bedtime he likes to throw his clothes down the laundry chute. Well the clothes get a send-off now, for example he will throw his shirt down and say, " Bye-bye shirt see you when you get clean," and when he throws his pants down he says "Bye-bye pants have s good time getting clean."
Our little daughter its doing well, she is ready to start shopping. Sometimes we call her Itty Bitty, but one day going to school my son asked if she would be home when he was done with school and I said "Sure, Itty Bitty will be home" and was promptly corrected, "She is not Itty Bitty!"
Today was a good day too for my daughter as the stump left over from the cord fell off today, my son will be very excited in the morning as he has been waiting for her boo-boo with paper in it to go away.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Is it us or them?
P.S. He is really a sweet boy, just some days it seems as if there is a little devil around. For those of you that know him I am sure it is hard to believe. I guess it is hard being 3.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Just a little update
On what has been going on, my son and I went to see Thomas the Train recently, it was our second time. He loved it and again I will post some pictures when I have a few more minutes than I currently have.
The bump on his head from the coffee table is healing nicely now and no longer looks like a different color of the rainbow every time you see him.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Baby Sister

Sunday, April 27, 2008
Why are there cars?
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Ice Cream Lip

It was now ice cream time. We had smiles after some great ice cream and trying a new flavor. When we ready to go my son said "Can we get in the car and go home now?" We said "Sure." As we are pulling out of the parking lot and making our way my son exclaims fat lip and all, "That was fun!"
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
The Great Golf Career
Monday, April 14, 2008
Put a Spring in Your Step
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Wanting to move out (and other updates)
My son also made Daddy proud as he was getting ready for bed and we have a routine where he likes to watch the lottery balls or the lottery show, but it wasn't on as golf was on and he wanted to watch it. Watch it he did as he sat there and loved every minute of it and then proceeded to say, " I am am going to golf with Daddy." I guess I will have to find out if Taylor Made makes sets small enough for a 3 1/2 year old that is about 42 inches tall.
My son has also graduated to a "Bigger boy" seat, otherwise more of a booster with the seat belt. This is very exciting to him and he seems to be more comfortable. The convirtable seat we had he had simply outgrown as it was becoming increasing difficult to get him into it. He is still learning the rules of keeping the seat belt on properly but we just stop the car and fix it when he unbuckles or pulls his arm out which he does not like at all.
Last week we had some nice days and he wanted to go outside and play when we pick him up on our way home. We tell him he has to eat eat all his dinner which makes dinner time quick, but one day it was looking like rain so I was trying to get him to eat dinner quickly but it started to rain, he got very upset, so being the boy that I am I offered to take him out on the patio in the rain and he was all ready for that. We took off our socks and danced around in the rain for a few minutes until he realized he was starting to get wet. We came in dried off and he finished the rest of his dinner.
Last weekend all of our friends came over (well our friends and their kids which are his friends) to play and have fun and boy did they. The kids had a blast playing with the Polar Express to have have races around the house to taking old man naps to get them to settle down (which is the part I think I enjoyed the most). Racing went from running to walking, to hopping, to walking like polar bears. Then there was the fun game of get me as they would come flying around the corner to take me down, but when all else fails a good escape is the claw to the tummy.
Well that should catch everyone up on the past couple of weeks. If you are wondering the bathroom is almost done (I know I have been saying that a lot lately) but the weather is making it difficult to stain and polyurethane the last trim pieces to finish it up so pictures are still on hold. The baby girl is on her way and should be here by the end of the month so watch for updates and pictures soon.
Monday, March 31, 2008
As Requested by the Mrs.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Paying His Own Way
Friday, March 28, 2008
This is boring!!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
The Prickly Garden
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
The Love of School
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Brownie Helper

Granted then there is extra cleanup that is not so fun, and the hope that I don't find chocolate in parts of the house where chocolate doesn't belong.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Bigger and Bigger
FYI - the bathroom is nearly done, I know it seems as if it is taking forever (it does to me too) but I only get to work on it during the weekends. So I will get to more regular updates as well.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Helping in the Kitchen
FYI - A medicine was added to the medicine chart.
To my loyal reader or couple of readers, the bathroom remodel is almost finished so I will be back at regular updates soon, maybe even a before and after photo just to prove that I have been remodeling the bathroom.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Wanting Independence
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Kid in a Box

Again, I apologize for the lack of updates but until the bathroom remodel is done I don't have a lot of time. So onwards with this update... Between holidays, teachers days and snow days, my son has not had much school so not much to report on that front although today he decided to play school (more or less acting like he is going and coming home from school). He is very curious about the bathroom remodel, always asking if it is done. The tub and surround are done and my family is once again clean and hopefully we will be putting the floor in this weekend. My son usually proceeds to tell me that I am doing a good job which is awesome, although I don't know if he knows the difference between good and bad work. On another positive note he is going to the bathroom more and more on his own which is great for everyone. He is also becoming quite the "The Price Is Right" expert along with watching the lottery balls in the evening. Just the other day after the pick 3 and pick 4 he said, "Now it is time for the cash five numbers." Sure enough it was next and in addition he now wants to ask Santa for a lottery ball machine for Christmas.
Hopefully soon I will be back to my regular updates but if you are interested in the "Kid in the Box" let me know.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
A Week's Worth
My son has become more interactive as we have introduced some more board games amd we found out he really likes puzzles, his favorite game is still Candy Land. This week he set it all up and wanted to play, I was not feeling well and tried to refuse as I wanted to sit and relax as I was feeling nauseated, but he would have none of it. His words, "Daddy, Please!! Don't be afraid it doesn't hurt." How could I refuse that solid logic, well the cuteness of his request. The other thing that has become important is listening to music and dancing, it should be too long until he realizes that his Daddy has no rhythm and can't dance but for now he doesn't care. Although, I have learned some new moves from him. The favorites right now are the Curious George CD (Jack Johnson) and The Laurie Berkner Band, but I have deiced we need to get some new ones as I can only listen to the same music so many times.
In a historic moment, my son opted not to finish eating his french fries from Wendy's. This is shocking as usually I have to urge him to eat his hamburger which he ate all of but let me finish his fries and there was no complaining on my end.
I hope I am not as delayed in my next blog entry but with only one full bathroom it has to get done first or else the EPA might crack down on our family.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Projects at Home
When not working on it, we play some board games. My son is now an expert Candy Land champion, i am just waiting for him to say "I'll play you in Candy Land for a dollar." He also enjoys his other games Chutes & Ladders and Monkeys Jumping on the Bed. The funniest part is they always have to be played in that order. Today he even set up Candy Land almost completly for us all to play. I think he has derived such love of that game as I used to like it when I was little and was a great player, although my parents will claim I stacked the deck and cheated my way to many victories but that is just jealousy of a great Candy Land Champion.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
The Whys and Whats
Son: Why is it raining?
Dad: Because the clouds are full of water.
Son: Why are the clouds full of water?
Dad: Because water evorpates from lakes rivers and streams and goes up to the clouds. (I know more info than necessary for a 3 year old)
Son: Why water evaporates?
Dad: (trying to simplify) The sun warms the water and causes it to evaporate.
Son: But it is not sunny?
Dad: Well the sun was somewhere else and evaporated the water there.
Son: Is it behind that building?
Dad: Yes!
Son: Why?
Dad: Because it is cold and raining here and it wants to stay warm. (Ha Ha! I got him now)
Son: Why is it raining?
Dad: (thinking, "why did you have to say the word raining.") Because the clouds are full of water.
I think you get the idea. This can continue on for some time. the fun part is trying to explain things so he will understand, but sometimes explaining the rain requires a more technical explaination which may cause him ridicule later in life when his teacher asks him, "Why does it rain?"
FYI - A medicine was added to the medicine chart.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Fat Tuesday

This Fat Tuesday at its finest, nothing like waking up hand having a paczki!
Monday, February 4, 2008
Day with Daddy
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Medicine... YUCK!
Medicine | Taste | |
Liquid Zythromax | Double Yuck | |
Childrens Advil (Blue) | Yummy | |
Amoxicyllin (Pink Raspberry-Strawberry) | Yummy | |
Omnicef (got the generic of this) | Double Yummy | |
Children's Robitussin Cough and Cold (Cherry) | Yummy |
Updated 3/11/08