Saturday, June 21, 2008

"I only had ONE!"

After a week of a fever with my son he is finally getting better. I have no updates on the medicine chart I started some time ago as he is not taking anything new or different than he has.

Being the good parents we are, we don't give our children much candy, we limit it and use it as reward or for a special treat (which also means more for us). When we buy or get stuff we generally used to put it on the stove either behind something or cover it with a towel, I mean who could figure that out. Well my son who is 3 1/2 years old is certainly getting smarter, he knows where we hide it. We had some Resse's Whips (which are awesome). He saw them one day and asked for one, so I gave him one and he really liked that. A day later he was in the kitchen and asked my wife where the candy was, she responded that we all had some and now it is gone. My smart son replied, " I only had ONE."

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