The Girl is at a stage now where her vocabulary is expanding each time I say something, which has its plus and minuses. When she can communicate what she wants or needs or is mad about it makes things a little easier, the issue is she has demanding wants, specific needs and gets mad when I don't her the wants and needs. Today she learned the word "beautiful" not sure knows what it means but knows it is something good. We also were learning a few colors with crayons and doing a little drawing, she likes me to draw circles then she drew a couple of circles herself. I think she is starting to learn that a good job means rewards as Mommy got a new pair of shoes for doing such a great a job and working so hard for her family:

Granted she is a girl so I assuming the wanting shoes is part of her genes, as she constantly wants her shoes on and off all day. The issue with the Girl is that I am having a hard time finding cheap prizes whereas I can pick up Hot Wheels cars for the Boy at $1 each. Granted with her love of shoes hopefully soon she will have the same size feet as Mommy so they can share shoes and it will help save a little bit.
The Boy had his first official Cross Country meet and did very well, he was 96th out of 170 kids in his race. He has fun and enjoys so I let him do his thing as he has Charlie Brown Syndrome. He likes to run and look around not paying much attention to actually racing, Charlie Brown would start well but then he would lose focus and close those eyes and run right out of the stadium. We are having fun and that is important (even though Daddy knows he can do better if he understood it a little better but that is the Boy).

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