Tuesday, January 22, 2013

2 Hr Delay

Really, on my day off we get a two hour delay.  If you have been reading over the last couple years you know what trouble a 2 hour delay causes in my house.

This morning was no different than others.  It is like those golden sleeping hours must be filled with absolute craziness while my kids beat the snot out of each other (not fighting but playing).  I mean it is like a shot of sugar at 7:00 am.  Remember the Boy gets up at 6:45 am and we are out the door at 7:11 am.

I despise 2 hour delays.  This morning my AGW was awesome as she let me sleep until both kids were up instead of getting me up right away.  If school were closed I would have been upset as it is my day off, but at least the kids would not have gone nutso.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Report Card, Prizes and Day Off

It has been busy around here lately.  School is in full gear for the third quarter while we just received the report card for the Boy.  He had a great quarter again.  Even though he doesn't admit it he likes school.

We took the kids shopping for prizes for school work at Toys R Us.  Which means more LEGOs (although the sorting bins are working out for timely cleanup thus far) and the girl got Lambee from Doc McStuffins.  It was good day and my AGW and I tried to have an afternoon of hockey on TV since the NHL wised up and got their act together.

We had a friend take our preschooler to Movie Night at school (PreK need a parent to stay) so we got to have another date night (unfortunately the next one isn't for a couple of weeks).  Saturday night we were excited for the season opener for the Red Wings but that excitement left rather quickly and the DVR was turned on to get caught on some shows.

Sunday we took the kids over to my parents house which was good for all.  We got out for a couple of hours and the kids got to play with Busia and Dziadzia, always a treat in anyones book.  Went home made some French Onion soup and watched our Sunday night TV shows.

Monday, the day off, I took the kids to the dentist which went remarkably well. Since they were good my AGW said to give them a prize.  All we had were a Hello Kitty and MarioKart notebook, which they loved.  The Boy who won't admit to liking school, thought it was awesome and even had a "Thank You" for it being a school supply.   Then we went to the store to get food because we eat lots of it.  Then after getting lunch at home I have since made my chocolate chip cookies, making mojo chicken and cleaning the oven (which means in this arctic type weather I have a couple of windows open).

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Date Night

In an effort to have some more time together and Adult time the AGW and I are working on getting out a bit more.  We have both become food snobs of sort to no fault of mine for cooking better and better food. This also means a babysitter for the kids which the Boy loves but the Girl needs to sold on.

Last night the Girl was upset at first but was ok with it after a few minutes.  My AGW told her earlier as we often wait until the last second to tell them anything because they bug the heck out of us waiting. It worked out well as by the time we left she was in good spirits.

So after trying to decide somewhere new to go we ended up a very good local eatery.  We had inquired to the Facebook world which gave a few suggestions but it was to no avail.  The night definitely got more exciting as we decided to go hear some music at one of the many local establishments that have music on the weekend.  We tried some Jazzy type music this time which was great.

The best part as it turns out is we crashed a birthday party.  Got some drinks and listened to a very good band and enjoyed a few birthday festivities.  Even got to sing along to "Happy Birthday"!

We were looking for adventure, then decided to go low key.  We ended up stumbling into a small adventure and had a great time.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Day One of the Second Half

Today was Day One of the Second half of the school year.  It was a good day on the school front.  Starting a month of fitness where we are doing a different fitness exercise routine.

This week is Yoga and it was a fantastic today.  The kids enjoyed and so did I.  There was only hangup, the Boy.  He loves having me there and it is awesome but today he threw me a curveball.  He was making jokes and goofing off a bit.  I repeatedly asked him to stop, and it got to where he had to sit out.  He was not happy.

After a few minutes as is standard in my class I went over to talk to him.  Asked why he was acting out and he answered, "I just want to have more fun."  He liked the class but this is his common answer to Dad not Mr. Dad.  We had a brief talk about why this was wrong and he returned to class.

I find it hard some days to keep that Dad/Teacher line.  Today was one of those days.  It all worked out in the end.  these days make me think of the near future when the Girl will be in Kindergarten.  Maybe then the gym uniform will have some pink in it for the Pink Princess.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

LEGO Addiction

The Boy has a LEGO addiction.  Which sometimes spills over to me as well and the girl is now in that mode too.  The Boy gets LEGOs every special occasion and then some.  There is nothing wrong with LEGOs but some days I think there needs to be LEGO Anonymous meetings.

The Boy, a friend and I recently visited a LEGO exhibit.  It was pretty cool but only disappointing the sense of how small it was.  It was architectural based and pretty cool but was hoping to se much more.  The Boy was thoroughly impressed, and was even more excited by the gift shop which was way overpriced ($16.99 for a water bottle - REALLY?!).  The free building area was a hit and could put your creations on a city map which stayed there for the day.

We are currently rebuilding the trains the Boy got a s gifts from Santa (or at least I think).  I love LEGOs and the problem is when I start I can't stop and I have to do it exactly right, no substitute pieces.  The problem is one train and all its parts is six books of instructions and when it is mixed in all the other parts sometimes it is looking for a needle in a haystack.  After two days one train and one train station is back to the original build.  Train number two is under reconstruction and it is a PITA, as there are parts that I think we only have one of so it seems to take forever to find that part.  No worries, I will be bringing the LEGOs to gym class and let the really experts (the 1st-4th graders) finish them up this week.

The Girl has LEGO Friends now, so in addition to all the boy LEGOs there are now girl LEGOs.  So far my AGW built Oliva's House, I built the Buttefly Beauty Shop and the Boy helped with Oliva's Tree House.  I will admit it is a great idea but seeing the issue of dueling over missing LEGO pieces in the future seems like a real possibility in our house.

So off to the train.  Below are a few pics from the LEGO exhibit: