Tuesday, December 27, 2011
New Toys Are the Best
I used to groan about having to help the Boy with his Lego sets, now I sit upset that he won't let me help build the new Lego Cargo Train. I have been cast off to rebuilding some old sets that are among the 8000 Legos in the bin, not separated into the nice bags that come in the box. We will see how long the Police Command Center stays together after I rebuilt it.
The Girl has her passion, Fairies and Princesses but there is a new girl on the block - Barbie. At least Princesses have floor length dresses. Then the Girl did the unthinkable, she put a Barbie party dress on Princess Aurora. I was feeling a little uncomfortable for the Princess, although Prince Philip was smiling. Barbie is fine as long as she doesn't go the way of the Bratz, plus she does have a cool car even though it is the Girl's favorite color - PINK!
Santa was even good to me, bringing all sorts of stuff from Williams Sonoma. Already enjoyed the Pancake Waffle Pan, and can't wait to use some of the new recipes in the slow cooker cookbook. My AGW had a swell Christmas as well as Santa made sure to listen well, plus now I think Land's End believes I am a girl and White House Black Market is trying to get me to sign up for their super customer platinum card. Sounds like it is time for a trip to Best Buy and buy a TV that is bigger than me to re-establish my man card.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Winter Break
The Boy is doing pretty well at the 2nd grade. He seems to be getting the hang of a classroom environment after skipping 1st grade. The Girl is really enjoying school and she will start 5 day a week preschool in January and I think she is pretty excited as she seems disappointed when she doesn't go the two days she has off.
Being the nice Dad I am my kids get to go to the dentist on Dec. 22nd. Maybe I can add to the joy and call the doctor to see if they need any shots as well. The Boy handles the dentist well, but the Girl is just a 30 minute wrestling match and she is getting stronger everyday.
The question now is after Santa comes and there is no more room for toys will the kids notice if things just plain disappear? Can we tell them Santa needs them to give to other kids, after he fixes them up of course? I certain need to find a way to get remove the things the kids really don't play with but will whine and scream if they see me take it away.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
The Adventures of a Turkey
Monday, November 28, 2011
The Writer
Friday, November 25, 2011
Black Friday
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Graphs, Charts, and Venn Diagrams
He is really into all of the graphs, so much so that he made a graph out of Legos with how many people in our family like apples, bananas, pears and oranges. He even made a the word fruit out of Legos for the top. He has taken this into school and I can't wait to hear how this all turned out.
Meanwhile the Girl is being a girl and constantly changing here clothes. She puts on clothes and takes them off all the time, sometimes she will wear 3 or 4 outfits in the same day. When she picks something out the decision is made and there is no changing her mind. At least I have now replaced her turtlenecks that are too small. There is nothing like sending your kid to preschool in a belly shirt.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Lego Man
Monday, November 7, 2011
The Desk
Granted getting the desk was difficult as we were planning to get something from IKEA and it was hard to get there. My AGW and I like to go without the kids so we can actually shop and not be told how boring this is or that someone has to go to the potty for the fifth time in 10 minutes.
Finally this weekend we were able to go, although a took a bribe of red beans and rice for my parents. This trip to IKEA was like no other. I believe we purchased more items than we ever have. Most of the time there is a large furniture purchase. This time their wasn't as my AGW was in a shopping mood. Not only did we pick out a nice red desk top for the Boy, we found and purchased many other things for our bedroom. Now we just have to find the time to start working on our bedroom.
After we got home I started putting the desk together so it could be ready before we went to pick up the kids. Taking a little longer than I had planned my AGW went to pick up the kids while I finished. I got done in plenty of time and couldn't wait for them to get back.
The Boy was very excited about his new desk. This morning on the way to school he said, "I wish school were only an hour so I could get home and do my homework at my desk." He was very excited to get home and do his homework at his desk. He finished quickly and then decided he was going to make copies of his Fall Story from school. He is one happy Boy.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
1st Quarter Done
The kids in the school are great and I really enjoy being there, even on the rough days. With being out of the house more often I do not have as much time to cook but have purchased a wonderful new appliance from Williams Sonoma, the Cuisinart Multi-Cooker. This machine is great, it it browns/sautes/slow cooks/roasts and steams. Plus when it is done it will keep food on warm for 8 hours automatically. As I type this it is making a nice brisket for me right now, I browned it in the cooker and then switched it to slow cook, put in other ingredients, covered it and walked away. This weekend will be Red Beans and Rice.
Back to school, the Boy is doing great with in school even after skipping 1st grade. He still is a little immature but he would have been bored in the 1st grade. Sometimes I think his brain is a sponge. The Girl is doing well in preschool and can see her getting smarter by the second. She loves school and is excited each morning when it is her days to go to school.
With the 1st quarter completed it seems that time is just rolling along. I hope the 2nd quarter goes as well as the first.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
A few lessons I learned: Even little girls know that Daddy will buy them things; For some reason coats at a young age must be uncool; and I need earplugs when the Girl and I leave the house.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Almost 7
As he grows up the Boy really gets really specific about what he wants, granted this is a still a long list. I do one thing he is very into Legos and to this point my feet are very tired of Legos. Why do the corners feel so darn sharp?
Anyway he is a good kid, enjoying 2nd Grade, trying his best in Cross Country, and most importantly he is always happy. Can't believe he will be 7 already.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
The Tooter
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Go To Work!
At this point the Boy decided to take a vote and says, "Who votes for Mommy to go to work?" The Girl Promptly pats her chest and says, "I do!" The boy and obviously voted for my AGW to stay home. Sometimes that girl can be a little stinker or as the preschool teacher said after the first day, "She is a little pistol isn't she?!"
Friday, September 2, 2011
The Big Leap
It has been two weeks since I started teaching at the Boy's school (which is also the Girl's school) and even though I am tired on those days and the class schedule is a little crazy, it has been a great experience so far. We are almost done with the President's Challenge and will be moving on to golf, soap bubbles, shot put, discus, Fire and Ice Tag, Bowling in the winter, floor hockey, etc. I can't wait. Sometimes the repetition can be bad but to play some childhood favorites over and over all day is fantastic. So far I think the 8th graders favorite has been Freeze Tag, they have also enjoyed Sharks and Minnows. Anyways it has been a blast and can't wait to see if I have any Presidential Fitness Award winners.
The Girl has started school and loves it. She also has been loving annoying the crap out of her brother.
It is now Friday, we had an assembly mid-day which stirs up the kids, a Friday 3:00 meeting before a holiday weekend, so it is time for a martini.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
The First Day of School
Recently over a couple of days we had our first day of school.
The Boy started a day earlier than the Girl and me. The Monday before school started we met with his teacher and it was decided that he should skip the 1st grade. This wasn't so much an issue for him as us. On the way to school on the first day the Boy says, "If I know all the 2nd grade math problems will they move me into the third grade?" We laughed and appreciated his great attitude but convinced him to at least start one grade and see how we are doing. We were worried about him but thus far he is doing fine.
The Girl and I had our first days the next day. The Girl started preschool and was very excited. She really likes school just like her brother which is nice. The teacher at the end of the day said to me, "She had a great day. She is a pistol isn't she?" I just laughed as I am sure the Girl will soon be running the preschool. She did throw a book at someone although I think it was an accident.
My first day was great, except for the beginning. I was trying to ease into the first day and be a little early so I wouldn't have a lot to worry about. Well I misplaced my car keys which also has my school keys and then it was a sheer 7 minutes of panic. My AGW found them sitting right on the stool where I was helping my son with his shoes. Deep breath and on to getting to school. Right as we pull in the parking lot and get out of the car my insulin pump makes a funny beep - "LOW BATTERY"! UGH! That is one of two messages I don't want to see right before starting my first day. Fortunately my AGW was bringing the Girl into school that morning for her first day so she was able to save me and bring a new battery with her. Then nearing the end of my first class the school Director says "When you have a moment please come to my office I need to talk to you." It has only been one class and I can't imagine what is going on now, maybe my first class was my last class. All he wanted to do was discuss making sure certain doors were locked. After that it was smooth sailing but those first couple of hours of my first day were tough and at that point I just wanted to nap as I was worn out.
Monday, August 15, 2011
The Week of all Weeks
I start my teaching position this week, which I am very excited about and scared at the same time.
The Girl starts Preschool this week. The fact that my second child starts school this week just blows my mind. My Itty Bitty is growing up, I hope she still makes some coffee for the coffee parties we have some time.
The Boy goes back to school and there are some changes in store, but details will have to wait.
My AGW has exciting stuff going on as well which will also have to wait for now.
My mind is literally racing with excitement and lots of nervousness. As with our family as always we may not have anything exciting going on for a long time and then "BAM" all in one short period we whoop it up. Now I just need the strength and peace of mind to get through this week. I will be a tired Daddy this week as I already have trouble sleeping, this certainly is not going to help.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
I Love You Guys.. Or At Least Now I Do
It was a slow start but he seemed to be getting it but wasn't interested in trying. I reminded him often he would get a good prize if he gets it done. He uses the computer to look at lego.com and tell us what he wants. He was telling us this morning how he wanted this and that. My AGW and I reminded him at that moment that he would get a good prize if he tied his shoes. The light bulb went on and with a big smile he said he was going to try right now with his shoes on.
It only took two attempts for him to tie the first one which he did on his own in the other room. Then we had him tie the other one in front of us just in case our cat or one of his stuffed animals did it for him. He struggled a little bit but he got it done.
The Prize: LEGO 3000 Race Game
He was very excited and happy. He started building right away and blurts out, "I love you guys.. or at least now I do!" So it took only seven years for our son to love us.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Kids Toothpaste: Is that Sugar?
I go to bed late some nights as Daddy needs his "me" time, although if my AGW wanted to she could could hang out with me during "me" time. Sometimes it is nice to veg out and watch bad TV, read the paper or play with my phone. The other night after having some "me" time and a yummy martini I decided it was finally time for bed. After I made sure windows were closed, doors locked and lights off I stumbled up to bed.
There is generally a routine I follow, which includes going back down to make sure the doors are locked even though I know I just locked them. After coming back to the bathroom to take my contacts out and brush my teeth. In my slumber I grabbed a tube of toothpaste, one of the three at my sink (the kids each have there own tube as well), and started brushing. What is on my toothbrush? Where is my minty freshness? I was confused by this sugary taste. I look at the tube and it says "Kids" Crest. All I could think was "Yuck!"
I decided to brush again with the minty toothpaste as it just wasn't right. I can see why my kids like brushing there teeth.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Cross Country Practice
One of the biggest advice givers was the Boy every practice he would ask if we could play games. He was one that would rather run playing a game. This year however he has taken a little bit of different stance. He still wants to play games but claimed they didn't do enough running the first practice. I was happy that he wanted to run more as he is getting competitive and wants to do better this year but at the same vain I was a little frustrated as I spent time trying to find good running games and ideas to entertain the K-1st graders more.
Although all was forgotten very quickly as we had our first popsicle day. Just wait until Bomb Pop Day, well to the kids it is just a colorful popsicle but the Adults usually are more excited and hope there are plenty extra.
Friday, August 5, 2011
How did this happen?
He is actually rather excited that I will be there and will seem him in Physical Education class a couple of days a week. The only worry I have is if he will treat me like Daddy or a teacher. He is very happy that I volunteer coach at his school as well but sometimes he wants to take advantage because "My Dad is the coach!" So now I wonder if I will see that in school.
A few of my friends asked if I had asked him first, where I laughed and said "No!" I realize some kids may not like this situation but it is not his decision, besides I was not going to turn down this great opportunity. My AGW simply just says, "You are at the school all the time anyway they should pay you."
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
This also goes for anything the Boy is playing with, she must have it. I have been going to school trying to clean out the gym closet so they can potentially make a little office space for me. I thought this would work out better since they can run around and play in the gym while I work. I was wrong. The mine-atude was in rare form. The Girl would do nothing except chase the Boy and take what ever he was playing with. At one point she was holding a plastic bat, a small plastic lacrosse stick, and two balls all while saying "Mine!"
If the Boy tries to take anything she will just erupt. It is amazing how quickly she can go from calm to screaming zombie. Granted I know it is a ploy to get her way and she makes it difficult not to give in. Hopefully she is slowing learning that Daddy will not give in as patience is wearing thin and there is only so much adult kool-aid in the world.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Vacation Mud Slinging
We headed to one of our favorite places as it is family friendly, affordable and not too far from home. The kids love the beach and so do we with one small difference. The kids want to play, play, play, while we want to sit and relax. Guess who wins.
So at the beach we dig a hole that the lake fills with water as a hole is more entertaining than the lake. We build sand castles that the Girl destroys within one minute of finishing. We then play in the water and jump over waves. We have kites to fly, snacks to eat and burying people in the sand to do.
With all that there is one thing the Boy would do non-stop that I just can't grasp, throw mud, sand or anything everywhere. We must have asked him to stop 1,000 times but it didn't matter. I think his brain was locked on "MUST THROW MUD!" I tried to divert him but it didn't matter, as soon as the diversion was over he would go right back to throwing mud. His throwing mud and sand can only lead to one thing, the Girl wanting to be like big brother and tossing around a little mud and sand herself.
With everything else to do what is so fascinating about throwing mud at the beach?
Monday, July 11, 2011
The Good Children
Usually there is some kind of kid disaster but this one evening it was a pleasant dinner. No parental yelling, no kid screaming and everyone enjoying their food. It was so nice in fact we had to get some ice cream afterwards, which I would think was pushing our luck to some kind of meltdown but to my surprise the kids did great and were good once again. The Boy has great taste in picking ice cream - Birthday Cake was his selection and it was fantastic. From now on I am having what he is having when it comes to ice cream. The Girl did well too and had Superman ice cream, and my Iditarod Peanut Butter fell short comparably.
Then after a good outing we headed home and jumped in the pool, easiest way to clean up after two kids and ice cream. The toughest part of the evening was getting the Girl (Waterbug) out of the pool and getting her to go to bed.
I will take my one nice meal out and savor it as who knows when that may ever happen again.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Must Annoy The Boy
They have a play area in the basement that has many toys for both of them. The Girl has a a little kitchen and we also have some small metal cookware from IKEA I believe. One of their favorite parts of the movie "Tangled" is when Flynn Rider gets clocked in the head with the frying pan, so a big "Thank You!" to Disney. Yesterday she decided to emulate Rapunzel and clock the boy in the head with the metal frying pan. He comes up holding his head and whining "She hit me with a frying pan." She was right behind him holding the frying pan with a smile on her face. It took a lot of biting my cheeks not to laugh. Even though I had to correct her I really wanted to say to him, "When she has the frying pan just stay down!" I think about it and see that little devilish smile and still giggle about it but I will be watching for when she can pick up my cast iron frying pan and I will heed my own advice and just stay down.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
We have a room (sun room) in our house that has always been tough to keep furniture in mostly because its purpose is ever changing. We once had some rattan furniture we got from the previous owners, mostly because we didn't have any furniture to put int he room. After a while we got tired of the old rattan leaf print crap and got some furniture from IKEA. It started in the sun room and migrated to the Living Room when we got rid of an old sectional that had met its time. We wanted to get something that could be a sleeper and ended up with a futon from IKEA. It served its purpose to a degree but was not the right furniture and has been relegated tot he kids play area in the basement. I am sure it will be great for sleepovers. So after a garage sale and saved money from refunds of things we went to IKEA once again.
I thought the purpose of the trip was to get new furniture but I think initially I forgot to inform my AGW. After finding a few other items she got into the buying mood and we found a couch and a chair. It all fit in the van and home we went.
The great for the kids is that just about everything from IKEA comes in boxes. The couch had a rather large box and the Boy nicely asked if they could have it for play. I decided they could have it after I recycled the rest of the boxes and plastic. Within five minutes I was ready to tear it up and recycle it as well. They were both in timeout and I was eyeing the Cabernet on the counter but I decided they would get a second chance with all the initial box excitement. They wanted to decorate it so it had to be moved into their basement play area. I believe from now on we will just buy stuff my AGW and I want from IKEA and give them the boxes and stop buying toys for them. There has been some various yelling, screaming and crying from them but they are having fun and my sun room is starting to look a little more like an adult room.
Monday, June 20, 2011
My Food!
Recently she has eating more and more of my food. I recently got some chicken wings with my favorite sauce to watch Game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals. The next day I had some left over and was going to enjoy them for lunch when I hear "Want some?" I didn't think she would like them but she ate two of the five wings I had left.
For Fathers Day I got a full rack of ribs knowing that it would last me two meals. Today for lunch I had plans to finish those ribs and again I hear that sweet little voice, "Want some?" I give her a tast and of the 5 bones I have left she eat two of them.
I think my lunch time is going to have to start waiting until she is napping or I may have to hide while making and eating My Food!
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
The Other Kids Yard
First off they have a bigger and nicer swing set. This just makes me feel like a bad Dad. No matter what, our swing set is useless to my children now since it doesn't have a rope ladder, flags, and a rock wall. I almost forgot the tire swing underneath the platform where our whole family could sleep.
Second thing is they have a trampoline. We are not fond of trampolines but it is there so we are stuck. I really don't think we need one either as the kids pretty much bounce on everything anyways even if it is not meant for bouncing.
Fortunately they are very nice people and don't mind the kids coming over to play. Although that creates another problem because they don't mind so I believe I will either get a pool ladder for the fence or install a gate. Hopefully my kids will soon realize the grass isn't greener over there whent hey are playing and I jump in our pool.
Friday, June 10, 2011
How To Guide To Upsetting Your Kids
Thursday, June 9, 2011
My Little Helpers
This morning we had some errands to run. Usually it is like pulling teeth to try to get ready to get out of the house, remember the stuff I need and where I am trying to go. In the process of getting ready sometimes it is like doing it times three: The Boy, The Girl and Myself.
This particular morning it was a little different. The Boy has lately been trying to help The Girl do stuff or get her seat buckled in the car, I am for this generousness but usually The Girl doesn't want his help. This morning as I am throwing their clothes at them and trying to get some other things ready for our trip to Hobby Lobby The Boy decides to help his sister get dressed. She has no issue getting the clothes off, but getting them is an issue. I would say he did a decent job as the shorts and underwear were on right. The only issue was the tank top, he totally forgot to put here arms through the arm holes and couldn't figure out what was wrong with it.
Hopefully the helpfulness continues but I am not holding my breath.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
What a Week to Start Summer Break
First The Boy has completed Kindergarten. It is very exciting. The school had a promotion and awards ceremony for the school. At the end of the promotion ceremony the Kindergarten class is promoted into the elementary school and 1st grade. For the kindergarten students it was a long ceremony but they held it together pretty good and were very happy to become part of the elementary.
The Girl has been in the preschool extended day care since I took up coaching the school's track and field team. She liked this as she played with other kids her age. She already wants to go to school and will get to start next pre-school next year.
Finally, I got a job at the kids' school. I will be the a part time Physical Education teacher. I am very excited and it should be a great opportunity for me now that the kids are growing up. I know many of the students already from coaching Cross Country and Track at the school so it will hopefully be an easy transition for me back into the working world. I equate it to being like a professional athlete as I will be paid to play games, although without the professional athlete part.
Monday, May 30, 2011
Pee-Pee Hot
After we finally get our suits on and all sunscreened up, we start to get in. The Boy decides he wants to be first, but does not get beyond the first step of the ladder, so I tell him to get down and I proceed to go in the pool. Thankfully it was very warm out as the water was very cold, but no stopping us now, just get in and enjoy. After the initial minute it felt pretty good. The Boy was next and was yelping but kept exclaiming, "Awesome!" The Girl was next and she was not sure what to think. She loves the water but it was cold. we kept trying different floats for her but she was too undecided. Then my AGW sat her in a float with her legs over the side and the Girl was happy. The pool was nice as there was plenty of room for all four us as with our previous 10' pool it got crowded quick.
After about an hour in the pool it was break time. I needed a snack and the Girl had to use the potty. We were all chattering our teeth from the cold water but it felt good. The Girl goes to the potty with my AGW and I hear "Pee-pee Hot! Pee-pee Hot!"
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
The End is Near
We decided to get a bigger pool, we had a 10' x 30" pool the last two years but he has outgrown it and you put the Boy, the Girl and me in there and it is crowded. With the luck of a sale we have moved up to a 14' x 42" pool. This should at least last my incredible growing bean stalks about 6 months. They are excited as it finally got setup this week and with any luck from the weather we will be in this weekend to celebrate memorial day and the unofficial beginning of summer. In the least I will definitely have crop circles in my yard this year. This will be nice as I won't have to lay down to be int he water any more. Although I would have rather dug a huge hole and made it an in-ground pool with some beach sand but for $200 I couldn't ask for too much more.
The Boy's kindergarten picnic was this week and was a blast for the kids. They basically got to run free and play all sorts of games for a couple of hours while we got to socialize somewhat with the adults. The funny part is my AGW learned that the Girl is quite the celebrity at school and she doesn't even go there yet. All the kids knew her even all the older siblings in the upper grades. The Girl has more friends than she knows. They know her and my son but I am known as "The Boy's Dad".
With Kindergarten coming to an end I am starting to feel it necessary to take summer classes because I don't know if I will be able to keep up with the 1st grade homework. At least next year the Girl starts preschool and I will be able to get a week's worth of stuff done in two hours as I won't have to be at the beckon call of a 3 year old.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Monday, May 16, 2011
When Your Kid Learns Your Email Address
He has emailed me challenges from Disney games and sites. I have yet to get back to him on some but he is fascinated by email. I am setting a simple way for him to send email to his grandparents and my AGW. In the meantime he has ventured into the world of Legos online. So now I won't just be stepping on real life legos I am sure I will be finding virtual ones all over the computer.
Since he is learning my email address he is sending me wish lists of lego things he wants. The issue arises that he thinks when he sends me this wish list it is ordered and on its way. MY AGW explained to him that is not how it worked, but if it did I would be busy sending myself wish lists and waiting on the doorstep for them to arrive.
My guess it is time to find the right child protections for the web so he does not venture where he should not. For instance I am waiting for him to learn how to search and search for "balls". I am not sure what he will get and I don't think I want to know.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Birthday Princess Pictures
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
The Princess (Diva) is 3!
I go the instructions out and started to get to work. I messed up the first step as I didn't follow along closely but at least I twas the first step and not one in the middle where I would have to take the darn thing all apart. Fixed my mistake and started rolling with it. I was moving a steady pace trying to make sure I do it right, all in all it took 2 1/2 hours, so not too bad and it was pretty nice, especially for $30. IT was 11:30 pm and I needed to "chillax" as my AGW said and stretch out my legs after sitting on the floor the whole time. I finally get to bed at midnight or slightly after. Get up at 7:00 am to eat and get ready for painting, electrical work and putting together the big girl bed all before her nap time at noon. At some point I felt like I was on the old show "Trading Spaces" and kept waiting for Paige Davis to tell me I have 5 minutes left. Amazingly enough I got it all done and the paint was dry for her to take her nap which was not a real nap as the Girl was too excited with her new big girl room. Then it was time to eat lunch, shower and get ready for the party.
The Diva was not happy waking up from her nap and took a while to relax for her party. Once she did it was on. She opened presents as that helped her wake up and be social, then we ate and then she blew out her candle. She did very well. After all that and the grandparents departed it was back to work to get the valances up. Not a tough job but it becomes more difficult when you are very tired. Needless to say the girl is very happy to have a big girl room, had a great birthday and now is turning on the full Diva mode.
(Pictures will follow of the awesome cake my Mom made and the room as soon as it is done, a little later this week.)
Monday, April 25, 2011
False Positive
The Boy was very happy that he was not sick last week. He was a little down about potentially having strep again but we had them send int he throat swab to the lab to do a culture to be sure as he was fine and dandy that day. It certainly was nice to get some good news for once. Too bad the doctor's office was closed on Good Friday or else we could have received this news before the weekend.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Getting Plain Ridiculous
The kids are doing alright and the Boy is literally bouncing off the walls as he has been fine beyond the little test. I probably won't hear on his test sent to the lab but the office is closed. Hopefully it is for nothing and it is a false positive on him and we can start moving on. Otherwise I think we need to take a nice vacation to the Bahamas or something and let the sun bake it out of us and a few drinks with umbrellas and fruit won't hurt either.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Strep Again?! Really?!
I really feel for him as he has struggled with this for a while. He said, "I am never going to get better!" Hopefully this time it will be gone for good. Very frustrating all around.
Timing couldn't be better as I have started on an insulin pump leaving the needles behind this week and I have a slight cold. I really can't wait for April to be over. My AGW has been sick, the kids and now me and the Boy again. Well, hopefully April Showers bring good health in May.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
I believe The Girl is a Jedi
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Need Sleep - The Turkey Vultures are Circling
Saturday, March 26, 2011
What really happens at 11 pm?
I realize she may be having separation anxiety or bad dreams but it is almost like clock work at 11 pm she awakens and must cry or scream as loud as she can. If it is ignored too long she may get up and take off her pants and pull up she sleeps in and then scream for the potty. I will take her then and if she pees it will be about 1/4 teaspoon worth. Is the culmination of Diva status? Must she see how quickly and how much she can torture her parents? Next house separate floor plan is a must.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
A Moment of Quiet
Also, if you watched Modern Family last night, the Girl has the same PJs that the little girl Lily had on. We were happy to see that our daughter was rocking stylish PJs.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Random Kid Stuff
Thursday, March 17, 2011
The Unsolicited "I Love You!"
Friday, March 11, 2011
Monday, March 7, 2011
Hey, Where's Perry?
Thursday, March 3, 2011
The Potty Training Will Begin
Friday, February 25, 2011
Paw Print Cookies
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Using Email
We recently got a new computer for the Boy to use as the desktop we had was old and out of date and there was no way I was letting those sticky little fingers get on my laptop. As I was finishing up setting up the desktop he wanted to send a note my AGW asking how work was. He already has an email account so I set up an email for him to send to his Mommy. My AGW and the Boy had a few messages going back and forth. He did pretty well except for the last word, here is a recap:
The Boy:
What are you doing today?
Love The Boy.
Hi. I am working outside the office today, ask Daddy to find it on a map for you. I love you!
The Boy:
How are you doing at your work?
Love The Boy.
I am doing ok. I am very busy today. For lunch I had a hot dog and the menu said it was "a celebration in a bun!" The owner of the restaurant likes the Pigeon books too. Are you being good for Daddy?
The Boy:
Good. I hope you are feeling well too. I love you.
The Boy:
Aw. your so sweat.